Social Work
Yeshiva School of Social Work
Hunter College, New York
Global Health, Family Therapy Practice
Gail Fisher, MSW, LCSW-C, ACSW will sometimes still be tempted to call NewYork her home. A graduate of New York’s Hunter College and Yeshiva University School of Social Work, Gail honed her family and organizational therapy skills in the nitty gritty of studying, working and living abroad. She has worked with issues that range from the mental health issues of immigrant families in The Bronx’s Spanish Harlem to the intense social and mental health issues of Alaskan Native villagers.
A graduate of the Johns Hopkins Fellow program in Organizational Development, Gail has pursued an interest in Global Health. Her consultancies have included the Middle East, as well as Africa, South America and the Philippines. Especially satisfying however, is her Family Therapy practice which attracts individuals from the broad diversity of the Washington area.