Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine, Public Health
M.D. Medical College of Georgia, M.P.H. Harvard University, Dr.P.H. U of Michigan
Preventive Medicine, Vaccines, Pediatrics
Linda J. McKibben, MD, DrPH, FAAP, FACPM, a Principal Consultant, at PAREXEL Consulting, is a highly productive physician-researcher and consultant with 30 years of experience in clinical medicine and public health. Most recently she was a clinical reviewer for seven years at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)/Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Her FDA portfolio included early-late phase investigational biologics: preventive vaccines, live biotheraperutic products and other biologics intended to treat, prevent, or model inflammatory or infectious diseases in adults or children. In 2013, she was on detail as Medical Officer to CBER’s Genomics Evaluation Team for Safety in the Office of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
Dr. McKibben embraces attention-to-detail, creative problem-solving and teamwork to achieve excellent and timely results. Her skills include extensive experience with speaking, publishing, project development and management. Prior to joining PAREXEL, Dr. McKibben held positions as a consultant to health research organizations in Washington D.C. (2006-08); as a Medical Officer for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (1996-2006) in the National Center for Infectious Diseases, The Epidemiology Program Office and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control; and in academic medicine as a general academic pediatrician and Associate Director of the Preventive Medicine/Community-Oriented Preventive Care (COPC) in Boston (1983-96).
Dr. McKibben, a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and board certified in preventive-medicine (FACPM), earned the Doctor of Public Health (Dr.P.H.) degree from the University of Michigan’s On Job-On Campus program, while she was a CDC Medical Officer; this was partially funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts organization. She earned a Masters in Public Health and the Medical Doctor degrees, from Harvard University and the Medical College of Georgia (1982-3), respectively. In 2015, she spoke at industry’s 1st International Conference on Vaccine Research and Development in Baltimore MD: “Working together to Advance Vaccinomics in Efficacy and Safety Studies.”
Linda McKibben authors The Lady Doctor–of Silver Spring blog at: https://ladydoc.blog.