Health Pearls

We Summarize Latest Medical and Scientific Studies


It’s easy to be overwhelmed with medical information in the media.

It is often written with the intent of being big on headlines but short on important details. We present that information in a reliable manner so you can be well-informed. We also summarize medical conference news

We hope all the pearls we will be gathering will help you on your journey to good health and happiness!

Petals of a pink flower

The Magic of Hormones

I believe the only true essential oil out there is vaginal estrogen. I bet you haven’t heard that one before. In fact, I think at age 45 every woman should…
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Two women looking at flowers

Dealing with Post-Covid Weight Gain: Think Brain, Body and Behavior

The last 18+ months have been emotionally and physically draining. We have been pushed to our limits in almost every regard. Responding to an unpredictable threat like the COVID-19 pandemic…
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Pumpkins out in an area

October Health Pearls – Alcohol, Intermittent Fasting, and the Covid-Diabetes Connection

Alcohol Consumption and Gastrointestinal Cancer Risk:  Drinking Frequency vs Quantity A study from Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, S. Korea, recently released in JAMA Network Open, shows drinking frequency being…
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Two people walking with their dog

Who can have a third dose of a COVID vaccine?

I just sat in on a meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting regarding an ADDITIONAL dose for moderately to severely immunocompromised patients.  There was a…
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Health care heroes working while pregnant during covid.

Pregnancy during a pandemic – here’s what you should think about

At the end of March, 2020, our country entered a lockdown phase to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Life stood still, with families huddled in uncertainty of when they would …
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The Human Microbiome – part three

Welcome back! This is part 3 of our series on the human microbiome. In brief, in parts one and two, we learned about prebiotics and probiotics being fiber and fermented…
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The Human Microbiome – part two

Last week, we ended by saying that we determine the makeup of our microbiome by what we eat. We’ve been aware of the benefits of fruits and vegetables for a…
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The Human Microbiome – part one

Be good to it so it can be good to you!   There is a huge village living inside of you. It is invisible to the naked eye, yet it…
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Enjoy the outdoors … and protect your eyes

Now that spring is here and the weather has turned nicer, many of us are excited to be able to spend more time on outdoor activities. Gardening, hiking, yard work,…
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Allergy Season? The EYES Have It!

It’s Allergy Season! Spring is here!  The sun is out, the days are longer, the grass is growing and the flowers are blooming.  There is a sense of renewal, rebirth,…
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