

It’s Hard to Be A Woman

It has been astonishing to watch the #MeToo movement, with one public man after another stepping down from their “pedestal” after being accused of sexual harassment.  A notable exception is Roy Moore, who’s still running strong in the race for an Alabama Senate seat despite multiple accusations of sexual harassment.  Recently, a woman came forward…


Your Pocket Cheat Sheet to Help Reduce Holiday Stress

By Gail Gaspar as presented on  Photo above copyright Gail Gaspar 2017. Holidays can be wonderful but many, if not most, families do have some stress associated with these gatherings.  It can be a sad time for those who have lost relatives in the past year, or who are missing relatives who they enjoyed spending…


End Women’s Cancer: A Run or Walk for Gynecologic Cancer Awareness

This morning, a group of Lady Docs and friends were running or walking to help raise fund to end women’s cancer.  The weather was not so great in Washington D.C. but at least the rain was not so heavy so all of us, together with many others, were able to happily finish our 5K run…


The Quest for Immortality: Our Bias Against Death

Yesterday we were in Pennsylvania for our son’s College Parents Weekend.  My husband and son decided to see his college football game against Dickinson College.  I have never been interested in spectator sports and decided to stay in the Science building to read the news from my cell phone.  Besides, we spectators were not allowed…


The Insanity of Wars: A Reflection on Ken Burns’ Documentary “The Vietnam War”

Last week, I was invited to speak on KindWorks’ Inspiration Day.  KindWorks, formerly known as MoverMoms, is a local foundation started ten years ago by a group of mothers.  They have participated in many community projects such as serving meals to homeless shelters or sending care packages to soldiers abroad.  Their membership grew quickly including…


Playing For Two – Pregnancy and Athletic Training

There are moments in one’s tennis career that are life changing: earning your first direct entry into a WTA event; moving up the rankings to the next level; winning your first title; being selected to compete for your country; or learning that you are going to be a mother. For some players, motherhood and pregnancy…


Stephen King’s Movie “It” and The Bill to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

My husband and I had not gone to see a movie for a long time until last weekend.  I was going to propose a romantic movie such as “Tulip Fever,” but we were told it didn’t have a good review.  I have always liked horror movies so I quickly urged my husband to take me…


What’s New with Flu (2017-18)

The autumn months bring temperature changes and remind us of the influenza (flu) season that will occur soon.  Influenza is a highly infectious virus that causes 20,000 preventable deaths and 200,000 hospitalizations annually. The seemingly low protection (45%) of last year’s flu vaccine spells uncertainty for most of us when deciding to vaccinate for flu…


The Global Meaning of Hurricanes

This afternoon I delivered a beautiful baby girl. Her grandmother and mother did not cry as much as her father.  He literally was sobbing and could not stop.  She was their second daughter.  Her five years old sister’s photo was by her mother’s bedside, showing a stunningly photogenic girl, a perfect blend between her African…


Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

Many women experience discomfort in the peri- and post-menopausal period.  The complaints vary but may include vaginal dryness and irritation, painful intercourse, lack of sensation with intercourse, leaking of urine, urinary urgency, recurrent urinary and vaginal infections, and even vaginal bleeding.  The changes that occur are due to declining estrogen levels and estrogen receptor levels…