A plank position

Your Core Is Your Strength

Think of your core as the strength and balance center of your body.  Weakness in this area is a common cause of low back pain and a tendency to fall. As in trees, the trunk needs to be strong and flexible at the same time.  Our core includes all the muscles around the trunk and…


Physical Activity Can Help COVID Outcomes

With the longer days and warmer temperatures, you may have been contemplating starting to exercise or picking back up after a pandemic hibernation … but still quite haven’t been able to take the first step. If this describes you, the findings of a new study might be just the thing to convince you it’s time…


Say YES to Yoga

This article originally appeared in Psychology Today – A new randomized study shows efficacy for yoga in treating anxiety. My own personal fascination with yoga dates back multiple decades to a daily, individualized routine at the Yogic Health Center in Mumbai during a gap year in my early 20’s. It seems quite fitting that my…

An outdoor trail for hiking

In the Time of Coronavirus: Social Distancing and Exercising

While being forced to stay home can lead to boredom and lethargy, it does not need to be the case. As a society we spend a lot of money on health clubs, gym memberships, fitness centers, etc.  I do the same, mostly because I find I push myself harder when in a class with an…

Three smiling women

Exercise is the Key to Healthy Aging

As defined in our mission statement, LadyDocs is committed to sharing information to help ourselves and others live healthier lives. To that end, we are planning programs for groups, to present in person a complement of exercises that cover four major goals of fitness. Today, Jody Miller (exercise physiologist), Aruna Nathan (lifestyle medicine and internist) and Marsha…

A woman placing her fingers on the wall

Exercises for Osteopenia and Osteoporosis Prevention – part 3

Building (excuse the osteoporosis pun!) on the two previous articles, this next series of four exercises focuses on strengthening your legs and hips by using your own body weight. Photos of the exercises are below and a link to the video demonstration is above this article. Other lifestyle adaptations that can help prevent osteoporosis were…


Exercises for Osteopenia and Osteoporosis prevention – part 2

In addtion to building bone, these routines can help improve endurance, strength, posture and balance to help with decreasing the risk of falls and fractures. The previous article and video demonstrated a series of body weight bearing exercises including push ups and planks. These exercises require no equipment, just some floor space and can be done anytime anywhere….


Exercises for better bones and healthier bodies

Today we’ll be talking about exercises that focus on prevention of osteopenia and osteoporosis. Aside from being beneficial for bones, these routines can help improve endurance, strength, posture and balance and in so doing, decrease the risk of falls and fractures.  Dr. Aruna Nathan’s recent article described lifestyle measures to maintain healthy bones, such as…


A Few Fitness Faves for 2019

Fitness should be fun! The more we enjoy the activity the more likely we are to be consistent and stay with it for the long term. It’s also really important to diversify our fitness to work the whole body in a variety of ways. Whether you are just getting started as a new exerciser, or…


Exercise Can Prevent Deaths

You may be tired of hearing that exercise is good for you. And you may wonder if it’s too late to start a routine once you’ve already been diagnosed with heart disease. It has been shown many times over that exercise is helpful in both primary prevention (i.e. no known heart disease) and secondary prevention…